Because it's all about others !

I met someone once who shared the same troubled childhood as mine. We shared few details of our similar pasts, according to her story when her parents were getting divorced while she was in school, she lost many friends. Apparently other parents did not want to influence her broken family on their households or their children. Divorce is our very common stereotype and a basic one. We all know about it and some of them have experienced it as well among their parents or their own. Whenever we are talking about divorce of any one, a common friend or a family member, we lower our voices unintentionally. I have never understood these stereotypes ever even though mine were very uncommon one. For the longest time, I could not understand other's reaction towards my situation. I have never experienced divorce not in my family or friends, I used it here as an example. This is a classic example of judging someone or avoiding for instance based on things which has no one's control.
I have seen a lot of alienation between people with comparatively peaceful life and people with difficult but unique ones. According to our society , I should have endured all the abuse and eventually end my own life. That way people would have felt sorry for me and moved on. But I chose to stand against all odds, finish my education, share my emotional struggle and open up about the worst taboos of all 'being sexually abused'. For few years, my introduction was 'the girl who lives alone'. I really wish it was otherwise. On the top I decided to convert my art work as a statement of emotional struggle caused by sexual abuse, this has been too much to digest for them. Whenever I show my artist statement or share the details of my work to people, there is a complete silence. A deep and dark silence which is looking for a way out of me. But this has no comparison what our own people treat a person in my situation.
In my twenties, I have looked for compassion, understanding and companionship. Off course, I have learned it the hard way, now it doesn't matter. But I had to say that it did matter once. My friends coming to my place and giving suggestions about furnishing my empty house while I was working three jobs to get a fridge at least. Those who pretended to be friends could not understand my need of compassion instead of a fancy hang out. I have never enjoyed social gatherings, how could I ? where everyone else is discussing their family rituals and I had nothing pleasant. There was no compassion or a decent courtesy to not mention in front of me instead I got stares of being an alien in their perfect family oriented society. I was just a girl, dealing with my trauma , stabilizing my financial situation, working hard to justify myself as a 'nice girl' and trying to fit in.
Here I am today, all strong and stable, growing my work profile, posting my travelling photos, attending social events, living my life, only hanging out with very close and rare friends and going ahead still sharing the details of my ordeal as a survivor of sexual abuse. I share because I still feel so much pity for that girl inside me who has survived all these brutal years without receiving a hug., all by herself. It has been extremely difficult , so much difficult that I still carry few bruises. It has hurt the most because of our stereotypes so many people do not share their details or stay in their miserable situation instead of taking a stand. I have met some of them myself !


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